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Board of Health Minutes 10/21/09
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h
M i n u t e s
Wednesday, October 21st   2009
Chilmark Town Hall

Present:  Katie Carroll (Chair), Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman
Also Present: Chris Alley (Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn), Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying), Marina Lent (Administrator-BOH)
Minutes of October 7, 2009 adopted as amended.
Howland/Hornblower (33-118  Following up on its review of  the owner’s inquiry, at its meeting of October 7th, as to whether it would be possible for the Board to grant a request for a variance to BOH regulations requiring 300’ septic-to-septic system separations in the Coastal Zone, the Board asked Marina Lent to draft a letter stating that consideration and inquiry had not shown a way to either comply with the minimum 200’ variance distance allowable by the Board under its Coastal Zone separation regulations.
Quinson (26-133) well permit application approved; existing well to be properly abandoned.
Bell-Chilmark Real Estate Trust (19-41)  Reid Silva requested discussion with the Board regarding a septic system for a guesthouse on the property which has failed.  The owner is selling the property, and wished Reid Silva to inquire of the Board whether it would be possible to install a tight tank to service the guesthouse, which is surrounded by wetlands, rather than having to tear up the property and damage the landscape to put in a more elaborate upgrade.
Katie Carroll pointed out that Title 5 requires a person to have exhausted all other options before a tight tank can be approved.  She noted that, in this case, there are other options.
Levy (20-74)  Reid Silva noted that the current system, a 1,000 gallon tank, and a pit located 100’ distance from the house and 10’ underground, has failed, and the owner wants to upgrade and increase capacity to six bedrooms.  The proposal will involve a 1,500 gallon tank and leaching trenches.  He noted that, according to the recently-completed percolation test at the site, soils are “bad, but not horrendous”, and could easily accommodate the proposed flow.  The Board approved the disposal system construction permit application.
Cottle (24-181)  As-Built letter received from Kent Healy.
Freedman (25-127)  Well completion report received—potability passes
Regulation Revision: Section 3 on Septic Systems:  Marina Lent presented a draft revised chapter of the Chilmark Board of Health Regulations.  Section 3 deals with the town’s regulation of sewage disposal systems.  The Board reviewed the extensively revised draft, and decided to move ahead to adopt the paragraphs dealing with septic system separations and well-to-well separations in the Coastal District as quickly as possible, and to review the remaining regulations with a view to their adoption within the coming months.
Marina Lent was requested to advertise for a public hearing, to be held at the November 18th meeting of the Board at 5:15pm, to review the proposed Coastal District regulations.
MVRD Quarterly Inspection of the Transfer Station:  The Board reviewed the report on the quarterly inspection of the Chilmark Transfer Station.  Marina Lent was asked to call MVRD to correct the information listed in the inspection report stating that the Transfer Station has a mobile phone; it does not.  It has a land line, and has had for years.
North Tabor Farm Hay delivery via the LDO  The read a request from North Tabor Farm via Chilmark Executive Secretary Tim Carroll to use the LDO space to transfer a shipment of hay.  The Board noted that use of the LDO space for activities other than the intended purpose is forbidden, and suggested that the hay transfer could take place on the roadway adjacent to the LDO, or the parking lot above the LDO, but not on the LDO surface proper.
D-box cover at the Chilmark School  Katie Carroll reported that the concrete cover over the D-box, which was recently placed to prevent children from opening the D-box, would have to be removed, as the children are now rocking on it.
Flu Clinic Memorandum (MOU) of Understanding with Island Ambulance Services:  the Board considered a MOU with Island Ambulance Services enabling Island Paramedics to vaccinate during the 2009/2010 flu season under an emergency order from DPH.  The Board approved the MOU, and authorized Marina Lent to sign the MOU on behalf of the Board.
Draft Chilmark BOH Regulations for Sewage Disposal Systems  The Board decided that the paragraphs dealing with septic separations in the Coastal District should be adopted right away.  Further updating of the BOH regulations will be required, but will not take place right away.  Mike Renahan noted that Septage haulers transporting through Chilmark from another town (i.e. Aquinnah) are required under our regulations to have a current and valid permit for transport of that waste.  He suggested that a hauler occasionally be asked to produce a permit by police, and noted that such practice would result in far more consistent compliance with BOH regulations in this regard.
Volume of trash from Town buildings  The Board noted a high volume of trash disposal from Town Hall, Fire Stations, Library and Community Center.  Jan Buhrman agreed to look into the trash issue.
The Menemsha Bath House will close for the season in the near future. The Board asked Marina Lent to ensure that a porta-pottie is in place prior to closing, as some establishments (Menemsha Deli, Menemsha Fish Market) will remain open for business past the closing.
Wiggins/Pepperbush Regulation  The Board requested that Marina Lent look into past Board discussions on the question of whether “Lands Protected under the Wetlands Protection Act” were deemed to include the 100’ buffer area or not.
The following invoices were approved for payment:
  • MVRD:  quarterly drop off contract FY10 Q2  $6,979.14
  • Office supplies: folder holders to expand file drawer space  $ 27.34
  • Wampanoag Environmental testing lab: Q3 tests CCC and Men School  $ 40.00
  • VNA monthly statement September 2009   $2,167.50

_______________________         _______________________                  _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair               Michael A. Renahan                        Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                Chilmark Board of Health               Chilmark Board of Health

A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.